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Advocacy Day: Alliance to End Homelessness


An update shared by the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness.:

We have a chance to bring Western Massachusetts’ voice to the national table in partnership with the National Alliance to End Homelessness’ advocacy day on Wednesday, September 14, exact time to be determined shortly.

ALL are welcome and encouraged to participate!

What’s the purpose of the meetings?

  • To advocate for funding for the Homelessness Assistance programs

  • For legislators to hear directly from you about the impact in their district—the Permanent Supportive Housing that needs to be sustained, services increased, etc.,

  • To show the collective power of stakeholders from across our Network in general and our CoC’s in particular

Thanks to Joyce Tavon of the Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance (MHSA) who is coordinating Massachusetts’ participation in this national advocacy day.

Additional details:

All legislative meetings will be virtual (approx. 20-30 min) and you will get notice ASAP about the time your Rep or Senator’s meeting is scheduled. But put yourself in the mix now!

Meetings will be arranged wherever there are constituents – and you don’t need to be an expert! There will be a pre-meeting and you’ll receive talking points and tips – we just need YOU!

Let’s get Western MA heard!


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