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Building Family Resilience on Aug 15


Trauma-Informed Hampshire County is offering a 2-hour workshop for parents and caregivers at the Amherst Bridge Center on Tuesday August 15 from 1-3 pm. See flier for more details. Please share widely and help spread the word!

Building Resilience in Families is an interactive program, focused on how trauma and adversity impact a family and what we can do to keep building strong, connected relationships and raise healthy children. This program is open to families with children of any age, with or without a history of trauma. Free childcare and snacks will be available. Call Eden at the Bridge Center at 413-549-0297 to reserve your spot. A $25 Big Y gift card will be offered to those who can stay after the training ends (around 2:30 pm) and give us feedback on the program to help us keep improving it,

Questions? Reach out to Ruth at TIHC at 413-341-4338 or email her at:


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