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CoC Racial Equity Training in August


The CoC Equity and Inclusion Committee created and conducted a Diversity Survey of our CoC-funded projects and membership to better understand the equity within the programs that serve our most vulnerable community. As a result of this survey, we heard the need for meaningful, uniform training that addresses a wide variety of equity needs. To start an amazing series of useful and informative trainings, please join the CoC and Racial Equity Partners for a two-part Racial Equity Workshop. The first session will take a closer look at the Racial Equity application. The workshop will include real-life scenarios and workforce strategies for racial healing. And the second session will examine a historical analysis of post-civil rights era systemic issues from 1968 forward.

August 24th 1pm-3pm via Zoom

Racial Equity in Action: Calling People In (with scenarios)

August 31st 1pm-3pm via Zoom

Historical Analysis Updated


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