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Formula Shortage - Update


An update from State Senator Jo Comerford's Office on the formula shortage:

Notes from the legislative briefing with HHS/DPH on the formula shortage Attached are one-pagers on the formula shortage in four languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese. There were many takeaways from the briefing. Here are three that are constituent-focused:

  1. Right now, if you have constituents who are unable to access formula, the best place to send them is WIC. The Secretary said that the state is looking into some sort of hotline. I will let you know if we get updated information.

  2. I'd be so grateful if folks would tell me if they're seeing shortages in their areas. Legislative staff members are problem-solving as they hear timely information. I can flag for HHS/DPH and help make sure they're tackling the issues.

  3. We must expect this situation to remain critical through August.


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