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Grants for Orgs to Support Affordable Connectivity


The Alliance for Digital Equity in W. Mass is releasing an RFP for commonsense grants for interested organizations in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties to provide enrollment assistance and outreach for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP is a federal subsidy program that helps low-income people pay for internet connectivity. Increasing awareness of ACP means more people will seek help with ACP applications.

Grantees will assist people to apply for ACP eligibility and then sign up with an internet service provider. Grantees will serve as hubs to "catch" referrals from other organizations as well as do outreach to likely eligible people. Enrollment assistance can be done via phone, video or in-person depending on the person’s situation.

Grants are up to $15,000 and will cover costs of enrollment assistance and outreach including staffing. The application process is designed to be accessible to various types of organizations; grants are intended to be common sense and flexible.

Proposals will be reviewed beginning on August 22, 2022 and approved on a rolling basis through Sept. 16, 2022, based on availability of funds. The Alliance will provide training on ACP enrollment assistance. Grant period is from Sept. 1 to Jan. 31, 2023.

An information session will be held July 27 1:30-2:30. To register, please email Diane Fisher at to receive the link.

Questions and More Information:

-Questions may be directed to Michael DeChiara at

-More information at:


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