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TAC's Race Equity Training Series


An update from the Three-County CoC:

The Technical Assistance Collaborative is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping our nation’s human services, health care, homelessness, and affordable housing systems implement policies and practices that empower people to live healthy, independent lives in the communities they choose. This commitment requires that we work to advance racial and social justice by embodying racial justice principles and centering lived expertise in implementing our technical assistance strategies. Since 1992, TAC’s consultants have provided policy leadership, technical assistance, and expert consultation to federal, state, and local government agencies, policymakers, advocates, foundations, and service providers.

The CoC Equity and Inclusion Committee created and conducted a Diversity Survey of our CoC-funded projects and membership to better understand the equity within the programs that serve our most vulnerable community. As a result of this survey, we heard the need for meaningful, uniform training that addresses a wide variety of equity needs.

In continuation to our amazing series of useful and informative trainings, please join the CoC and TAC's REAL Team for a three-part Racial Equity Training series. The training will explore current and historical manifestations of race and racism, both overtly and covertly, and initial steps towards becoming an anti-racist practitioner. Training will incorporate didactic teaching sessions, large group discussions, and reflection. Participants will receive reading, videos, and/or podcasts between each training session to continue learning within their organization.

Wednesday, September 6: Courageous Conversations about Race and Racism

Tuesday, September 12: Understanding the Levels of Racism

Wednesday, September 20: Becoming an Anti-Racist Practitioner


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